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Standard Tile SizesStandard Tile Sizes


All our tiles are 600 mm. long in order to achieve a triple layer on the 200 mm. of the exposed part.


Widths vary depending on the species (± 5 mm.):

  • 60 to 145 mm. in chestnut, acacia and red cedar.
  • 100 to 145 mm. in Douglas Fir, larch and chestnut.


Three thicknesses are available (± 3 mm.):

  • JUMBO : 21 mm. to 3 mm., for superior insulation
  • STANDARD : 17 mm. to 3 mm. , for standard uses
  • ECONOMICAL STANDARD : 14 mm. To 3 mm., used for decoration, sun-screens, etc.

A ll our species can be used directly.  Depending on the area to which they are exposed, whether with high humidity or having termite risk, we recommend anti-termite treatment, fungicide and insecticides. For this purpose we use the latest products with no heavy metal components. Selection of the species shall be done cheifly bearing in  mind the useful life-span.


Douglas Fir

arbre Mélèze arbre Douglas
Larch is a wood that should be considered for its impermeability, its perrenial characteristic and its beauty. Type 3 The main choice in wood for construction in North America thanks to its size and absence of defects. Type 3



arbre Chêne arbre Cèdre
Oak is the hardest and most durable of all European woods. Type 3 This wood is noteworthy for its particular scent, and for repelling insects and worms. Type 4



arbre Châtaignier arbre Acacia
Chestnut wood is impermeable and flexible. It is excellent structural wood. Type 4 The hard acacia has been used for years in ship-building.
Type 4


  • (Type 3) for use without treatment in any region except areas with termite risk
  • (Type 4) for use without treatment in any region including areas with termite risk

iconeEuropean Technical Note

Our products have legal European Technical Certification Nº P 13-8.04.02-0057/02 in DIBT (the German equivalent of CSTB).

icone SOVECO Patents

Purchase of our products and services carries the authorized use and exploitation of our patents. Do not place your trust in counterfeits; be a good citizen.

  • Patent No. 8 501 673 “Ensemble structure and installation system of a wood-armature house”
  • Patent No. 2 757 197 “Wooden tile roofing system with optimized dimensions”
  • Patent Nº 2 758 149 “Sloping tile roofing complex with impermeable film having improved insulation performance”.
  • Patent Nº 02 04 825 “Thermal treatment for wooden tiles”
  • Patent Nº 03 11074 “Roofing with wooden tiles and strips”
  • Patent Nº 03 11073 “Manufacturing device for wooden tiles made from blocks of wood”
  • Patent Nº 02 10876 “Roofing with lathing trim”
  • Patent Nº 02 04 825 “Perfected packaging for wooden tiles”
  • Patent Nº 04 06 439 ”Perfected tile roofing with insulation characteristics (fire and pre-assembled set-up)”
There is no translation available.

Quand votre toiture au bois doré devient bois d'argent

La tuile de bois est l'alliance parfaite d'un produit reconnu et de notre expérience.

Son ton naturel s'intègre parfaitement à tout type d'environnement et à toutes sortes d'habitats, quelle que soit la couleur de départ de votre tuile. Celle-ci passera peu à peu du bois doré au bois d'argent, offrant ainsi à votre habitation une couverture d'un esthétisme remarquable.

La couverture en tuiles de bois est une des plus anciennes et des plus résistantes. Peu à peu oubliée, elle revient aujourd'hui en force grâce à ses performances écologiques et économiques. Distribué dans le monde entier, c'est un produit d'une qualité irréprochable qui allie trois composantes essentielles:

Esthétisme, Confort de vie et Economie d'énergie !

Outre ses attraits esthétiques, la Tuile de Bois Soveco est performante:

  • Ecologique
  • Légère
  • Simple à poser
  • Durable
  • Garantie 40 ans
  • Parfaitement étanche
  • Isolante phonique et thermique
  • Résistante au feu (classement M3 naturel)
  • Résistante au gel, à la pluie, au vent, au soleil et à la grêle
La tuile contribue à plus de 70% d'économie d'énergie, ceci grâce à la méthode de pose propre à l'entreprise.
Elle permet de lutter contre les gaz à effets de serre en piégeant le CO2.
Elle favorise une gestion durable des fôrets et est parfaitement recyclable.
Elle ne nécessite pas de traitement avec métaux lourds.

Ce qui en fait un produit parfaitement écologique

A material’s reaction to fire expresses its aptitude to burst into flame and thus contribute to the start and spread of a fire.

France has “M” classification, with 6 categories (from 0 to 5), defining material reactions to fire.

The following table gathers fire classifications depending on the dimensions of the exposed part of tiles and the tiles per se (40 cm. or 60 cm.):

40 cm
60 cm
  Exposed Part
> à 13 cm
> à 18 cm
18 cm
16 cm
  Fire Classification

40 cm. tiles

The following figure shows a cross-section of wooden tile roofing having M4 classification.

  • Installation is by triple-covering or layering.
  • The exposed part of the tile is greater than 13 cm. (16 cm.).

coupe bardeaux de 40 cm

60 cm. tiles

The following figure shows a cross-section of wooden tile roofing having M3 (CSTB Document N°RA99241) classification.

  • Installation is by triple-covering or layering.
  • The exposed part of the tile is greater than 18 cm.

coupe bardeaux de 40 cm