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Legal Information

La Tuile de Bois Soveco headquarters

Industrie Bois SAS ZI les Gaillons 61400 ST HILAIRE LE CHATEL

Tel.: +33(0) 233 735 788

E-mail: indubois @

Publication Director

Publication Director is Mr. Pierre Georges Hervé in his capacity as director.

Web Site host

The website is hosted by the Arsys Company.
102, Avenue de la Salanque BP 40518 66005 Perpignan Cedex, France
0800 940 865

Creative Agency Web Site

The website has evolved through the agency ICT COUNCIL specialist Joomla CMS solutions in the PACA region between Aix and Marseille.


This website has been developed with Joomla! The program and the templates used by defect are protected by Copyright 2005 Open Source Matters. Any other contents and information, including data collected from the website and the templates added after its installation are protected by the copyright of its owners.

Conditions for Use

Except in the cases where stated otherwise, all text and illustrations appearing on this site are the exclusive property of the Industrie Bois company. The Industrie Bois Company is not responsable for the contents of a website with which a link or an RSS flux is established.

Nominative Information

You have the right of Access, modification, correction and elimination of your personal information (Article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” Law of January 6, 1978). You may exercise your right by contacting us at :

Industrie Bois SAS, ZI les Gaillons, 61400, ST HILAIRE LE CHÂTEL, or by E-mail at indubois @ In no case will the data on this site be transmitted to third parties, for comercial purposes or otherwise.