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Wood Types

A ll our species can be used directly.  Depending on the area to which they are exposed, whether with high humidity or having termite risk, we recommend anti-termite treatment, fungicide and insecticides. For this purpose we use the latest products with no heavy metal components. Selection of the species shall be done cheifly bearing in  mind the useful life-span.


Douglas Fir

arbre Mélèze arbre Douglas
Larch is a wood that should be considered for its impermeability, its perrenial characteristic and its beauty. Type 3 The main choice in wood for construction in North America thanks to its size and absence of defects. Type 3



arbre Chêne arbre Cèdre
Oak is the hardest and most durable of all European woods. Type 3 This wood is noteworthy for its particular scent, and for repelling insects and worms. Type 4



arbre Châtaignier arbre Acacia
Chestnut wood is impermeable and flexible. It is excellent structural wood. Type 4 The hard acacia has been used for years in ship-building.
Type 4


  • (Type 3) for use without treatment in any region except areas with termite risk
  • (Type 4) for use without treatment in any region including areas with termite risk